Wednesday, December 24, 2008

TCFA dates for the New Year

The Traditional Catholic Family Alliance meets in Reading and at St Edmunds College Ware (and sometimes elsewhere). I've just had an email about the latter: their dates for the New Year are (all Saturdays):

17th January
7th February
7th March

The days begin with Traditional Sung Mass at 11am in the splendid Pugin chapel at the school, and continue with talks and catechesis for adults and children of all ages. All are welcome; there is no fee. If anyone would like to know more, please contact me.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sung Mass at SS Gregory & Augustine

Friday 12th December saw the first Missa Cantata in SS Gregory & Augustine to be served by parishoners and accompanied by the Parish Choir. Fr John Saward preached on his recent visit to Lourdes.

The church is undergoing restoration. The floor has been sanded, and the wooden pannelling on the East wall has been prepared for painting. The curtain behind the altar is new; eventually it will be used for the church's 'Lenten array', but for the time being it hides the unfinished work on that part of the wall.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Press release from the LMS on Merton


 For Immediate Release

 15 December 2008

 * LMS Training Conference at Merton College, Oxford for Priests Wishing to Learn the Extraordinary Form of Mass (Traditional Latin Rite), August 2009


The following is a statement from Mr Paul Beardsmore, Secretary of the Latin Mass Society:

 1.      The LMS Committee has not cancelled the Oxford Training Conference, and Merton College has not indicated to the Society that permission to hold the Conference has been withdrawn.

 2.      Mr David Lloyd’s views concerning the Oxford Conference held in July 2008 were considered by the LMS Committee three months ago and did not receive the support of the majority of its members.

 3.      The LMS Committee – including Mr Lloyd – is unanimous in its commitment to the implementation of the Motu Proprio, ‘Summorum Pontificum’, and consequently to the training of clergy to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

 4.      The leaking to the press of Mr Lloyd’s confidential e mail, and the attempt to link this e mail with the LMS Committee’s recent decision concerning the administrative arrangements for the Conference are mischievous.

 Statement ends.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pro-Life Witness

This took place as usual last Saturday and was well attended despite the cold weather. We prayed the Rosary by the entrance to the John Radcliffe Hospital, the only place in Oxford where abortions take place.

Join us at the next ones! They take place on the last Saturday of each month - not December, but from 3pm to 4pm

January 31st
February 28th

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in St Anthony of Padua and the witness ends with a short Benediction. The Rosary is led by Fr John Saward.