Old office straight ahead, new office on the left.
Yesterday we had a small celebration for the office move, which is substantially complete - bar the unpacking of some boxes. Our new office is only a few feet from the old one, in the same building, but it is about 50% bigger, and faces the street. So we keep the postal address, and telephone numbers, but we have more space for storage, meetings, and the staff. To compare and contrast there's a photo of the old office here.

It is mainly open plan, but for the first time the General Manager has a corner hived off for his office, and where small meetings can take place without disturbing the other staff.

Fr John-Claude Selvini came to bless the office. I gave the new office a framed photograph of the Holy Father which I had bought in Rome at the FIUV conference. After the blessing we had a buffet lunch with a number of LMS stalwarts from the London area.
Many thanks to Lech Handsel, our Representative for Cambridge, whose building firm gave us the keenest quotation for the necessary work (partitions, carpets etc.) and who oversaw it.

More photos here.
Great news! Congratulations from myself and the whole UV Russia.