Monday, July 10, 2017

Institute of Christ the King given another church in Preston, England

Here is the press release.

The historic and landmark (Grade II Listed) Catholic Church of St Thomas of Canterbury & the
English Martyrs on Garstang Road, Preston (known simply as English Martyrs) has been given a
promise of a sustainable future following an announcement made today by the Bishop of
Lancaster, the Rt Rev Michael G Campbell OSA.

Bishop Michael Campbell and Monsignor Gilles Wach, Prior General of the Institute of Christ the
King Sovereign Priest, together with Rector, Canon Adrian Towers, have agreed that, as from the
autumn, the Institute will assume the administration of the church.

This move will enable the church to be open each day to become a vibrant shrine of devotion to
and promotion of the English Martyrs under the care of the Institute who already have the
administration of St Walburge’s Shrine Church, Weston Street, Preston. The new shrine will
specifically provide for the celebration of Holy Mass and the other Sacraments in the extraordinary
form of the Roman Rite.

English Martyrs’ Church is one of two church buildings belonging to St John XXIII Parish, Preston
– the other being St Joseph’s on Skeffington Road. As part of the arrangement with the Institute,
English Martyrs church remains part of St John XXIII Parish and a priest from there will celebrate
an English-language ordinary form Mass in the church, at least for the next 12 months, each
Saturday evening.

Recently, the Mass attendance at English Martyrs has averaged around 70 people and activities
and voluntary parish involvement have become somewhat limited making it difficult for the
parishioners to shoulder their responsibility for the care of the church building.

Bishop Campbell upon making this announcement commented:
“We are very grateful for the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and the dedication they
have to evangelizing through use of the extraordinary form,” Bishop Campbell continued “The
Institute has shown tremendous energy in conveying a sense of the sacred through their proven
ministry at St Walburge’s and around the world. We are especially encouraged that their care and
ministry in large and historic churches may also be instrumental in preserving English Martyrs
church now and going forward.”

Canon Amaury Montjean for the Institute added:
“We are deeply grateful to Bishop Campbell for his gracious invitation. Our entire Institute family is
very glad for this new apostolate at English Martyrs. Like St Walburge’s, it will be a unique spiritual
home offering Masses with sacred music, daily confessions, days of recollection, classes in
spirituality and doctrine etc”.

Bishop Campbell concluded:
“Finally and importantly, the announcement of this initiative will ensure the future sustainability and
patrimony of English Martyrs’ church; a building so dear to local Catholics and many others in
Preston. Thankfully, this announcement means English Martyrs is saved from the prospect of
closure and is thus secured for the future. The fact that the church will be used each day for prayer
and cared for by the Institute means it will continue to witness to the faith and mission of the
Catholic Church in Preston for many years to come.”

Notes to Editors:
 The English Martyrs’ Church is located near to Preston city centre and stands on the
corner of the A6 (Garstang Road), between Aqueduct Street and St George's Road.
English Martyrs Church is built on the site of an area that used to be called Gallows Hill. It
received that name after the Battle of Preston of the Jacobite rising of 1715. After the
government overcame the rebel army, it was on Gallows Hill that the rebel prisoners were
executed. On the 5 January 1715, it was recorded that sixteen rebels 'were hanged upon
Gallows Hill, for high treason and conspiracy.'
 The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is based internationally in Florence,
Italy. In many cases, the Institute’s ministry has revitalized and allowed for the restoration
of historic churches. The Institute was established canonically in 1990 by Monsignor Gilles
Wach and Father Phillipe Mora. Inspired by their patron, St Francis de Sales, the Institute
strives to form its people in holiness according to their motto of "teaching the truth with
 In September 2014, the Institute assumed the care of St Walburge’s Church, Preston, at
Bishop Campbell’s invitation – the Bishop designating the Church as a shrine church.

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  1. Anonymous8:33 pm

    They are liberals in their theology .They offer the Traditional Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology otherwise they English bishops would not let them it.
    They affirm Vatican Council II (Cushingism) and so approve of inter faith marriages like the English bishops. It is not adultery. This is common among the Latin Mass communities today.2
    They do not reject Vatican Council II (Cushingism) like the Franciscans of the Immaculate.3
    They use Rahner's Theology like the English bishops. So it is no surprise that they too are welcome in England.4


    APRIL 12, 2014…/institute-of-ch……/institute-of-ch…



    1. Dear Lionel,

      Your links haven't come out properly, but I think I was able to find those of your blog posts to which you refer. You aren't always very clear, but I think nonetheless that I was able to get your gist, which seems to be that marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics are adulterous, and that this is a novelty unknown before Vatican II.

      Of course that latter point is demonstrably false, as many people who know of mixed marriages from before that time will know - not least the children of such marriages, some of whom I know personally, or indeed the spouses themselves, of whom there are doubtless many still living.

      And as for the idea that mixed marriages are adulterous, which must imply their invalidity, I'm afraid that is preposterous. I had never heard of such an idea, and have just spent some time looking. Even Benedict XIV, who wrote very harshly in the 18th century against clandestine mixed marriages, explicitly declared them to be valid despite lack of canonical form.

      But making these points was not why I was motivated to comment. I want to say that I know and love several priests of the Institute of Christ the King and that my family and I are among the many Catholics who benefit from their ministry in Preston, and that your criticism is wholly unjustified. I thank God for the Institute and ask his continued blessing on their work, on Monsignor Wach, and on Bishop Campbell.

    2. Spot on Simon. I know the Institute primarily in New Brighton but all their Priests I have met are dedicated, and hard working . They deserve support not criticism

    3. Having just returned from the ceremonies of ordination for the ICRSS in Florence and being fortunate to know quite a few Institute clergy, I can say that they are very orthodox, sociable and work hard to give glory to God via excellent liturgy. Their aspiration to open an Independent Catholic School is very welcome.

    4. Come on. Give it a rest with the Feeneyite broadsides, Lionel.

      This is good news, and can only be read as good news. And if you knew anything of the catechetical praxis on the ground with the Institute, you would not fret so much. To say that they're Rahnerian in the slightest degree is just not sustainable.

    5. Anonymous7:47 pm

      Are you saying that they do not interpret Vatican Council II like Pope Francis and the English bishops?

      JULY 14, 2017

      Ralph Martin, Robert Fastiggi, John Martignoni and Fr. Stefano Visintin osb indicate Pope Francis has violated the Principle of Non Contradiction in his interpretation of Vatican Council II

    6. Are you saying that they do not interpret Vatican Council II like Pope Francis and the English bishops?

      Would that really be so shocking if they didn't?

      Please stop derailing yet another discussion at Dr. Shaw's blog.

    7. Simon,

      Of course that latter point is demonstrably false, as many people who know of mixed marriages from before that time will know - not least the children of such marriages...

      Indeed. Such marriages may not be generally advisable, but the traditional teaching and praxis of the Church pre-1962 did not hold that they were adulterous. (See the 1961 Moral Theology manual of Fr Heribert Jone, secs. 692-696, for example.)

    8. Anonymous7:38 pm

      Are you saying that they do not interpret Vatican Council II like Pope Francis and the English bishops?
      Would that really be so shocking if they didn't?
      Please note that I refer to Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II (Cushingite).
      The popes, the SSPX, the Institute of Christ the King and you are Cushingites.Your concept of EENS and Vatican Council II is Cushingite.
      So since there is salvation outside the Church for Cushingites it is understandable to think that a Protestant can also be saved in his or her religion.

      However with Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) there is no salvation outside the Church referred to in the Council. So there is no known salvation in the Protestant religion.When a Protestant lives with a Catholic and they are not married it is adultery.
      When a bishop who rejects EENS ( Feeneyite) and Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) grants a dispensation to a mixed marriage, he rejects Vatican Council II ( F) and EENS( F).This is heresy.As a Cushingite he is also changing the meaning of the Nicene Creed.
      For someone who affirms EENS and Vatican Council II, Feeneyite this would be adultery.
      For the magisterium of the 16th century, who affirmed EENS ( Feeneyite) the couple would be in adultery.


      Feeneyism: It is the old theology and philosophical reasoning which says there are no known exceptions past or present, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).There are no explicit cases to contradict the traditional interpretation of EENS.It is practical. There obviously are no known cases of the baptism of desire (BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) in 2017.So there are no practical exceptions to EENS.Neither was BOD,BOB and I.I an exception to Feeneyite EENS in 1949 when the Letter of the Holy Office was issued to the Archbishop of Boston. The cardinals made an objective mistake.Similarly mentioning BOD and I.I in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) relative to the traditional teaching on salvation was superflous.

      Cushingism: It is the new theology and philosophical reasoning.It assumes there are known exceptions, past and present, to the dogma EENS, on the need for all to formally enter the Church.It assumes that the baptism of desire etc are not hypothetical but objectively known.In principle hypothetical cases are objective in the present times.

  2. Anonymous5:19 pm

    If the pope accepted Vatican Council II Feeneyite then young couples engaged to be married could ask their bishops and priests to interpret the Nicene Creed without the irrational premise, before they are married.Parish Councils and Marriage Tribunals will demand that a Protestant converts into the Catholic Church before he oe she marries a Catholic.Since the non Catholic is outside the Church according to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14),the inter faith marriage will not be a Sacrament and a dispensation should not be given...1


    JULY 13, 2017

    Pope Francis violates the Principle of Non Contradiction: chooses irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II which is not the work of the Holy Spirit

    Prof. Robert Fastiggi, Ralph Martin agree that invisible people cannot be visible at the same time : in agreement with Fr. Stefano Visintin's statement

  3. Lionel, please stop using the name Catholic mission. Feeneyism is a totally novel theory espoused by Fr. Leonard Feeney with no base in Tradition and the magesterial interpretation of the teaching of baptism. I have never read of a pre-Vatican II missionary who dared to be so temerarious to deny BoD. For your own sake, please refrain from your internet activities, buy the book "the sacraments on the missions" (pre VII) by De Reeper and study it carefully. You will certainly learn a lot about baptism and mixed marriages. God bless

    1. Anonymous7:56 pm

      Lionel, please stop using the name Catholic mission. Feeneyism is a totally novel theory espoused by Fr. Leonard Feeney with no base in Tradition and the magesterial interpretation of the teaching of baptism.
      Feeneyism for me is the old theology and philosophical reasoning which says there are no known exceptions past or present, to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).There are no explicit cases to contradict the traditional interpretation of EENS.It is practical. There obviously are no known cases of the baptism of desire (BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) in 2017.So there are no practical exceptions to EENS.Neither was BOD,BOB and I.I an exception to Feeneyite EENS in 1949 when the Letter of the Holy Office was issued to the Archbishop of Boston. The cardinals made an objective mistake.Similarly mentioning BOD and I.I in Vatican Council II (AG 7,LG 14) relative to the traditional teaching on salvation was superflous.

      I have never read of a pre-Vatican II missionary who dared to be so temerarious to deny BoD.
      The missionaries of the 16th century were Feeneyite. Since they affirmed the dogma EENS without any known exceptions.
      The 1949 Letter of the Holy Office to the Archbishop of Boston was Cushingite. It is the innovation in the Church. It is the new theology and philosophical reasoning.It assumes there are known exceptions, past and present, to the dogma EENS, on the need for all to formally enter the Church.It assumes that the baptism of desire etc are not hypothetical but objectively known.In principle hypothetical cases are objective in the present times.
      The professor of philosophy who owns this blog would tell you that this is irrational by any philosophical standards.
      But it is magisterial!
      I affirm the baptism of desire I do not reject it. Since it is not an exception or relevant to EENS for me. For me it refers to a hypothetical case. It is a theoretical case which will be followed with the baptism of water, since this is the dogmatic teaching and Scriptural interpretation of John 3:5 and Mark 16:16.
      Either way, with or without the baptism of water, the theoretical case of the catechuman who sought the baptism of water but died before he received it is invisible and theoretical. It cannot be any thing more.
      So it never was an issue in the first place.
      Mystici Corporis, Quanta Cura etc refer to theoretical cases.If someone infers that they explicit and objective cases that's another thing.It would be irrational, though.

      For your own sake, please refrain from your internet activities, buy the book "the sacraments on the missions" (pre VII) by De Reeper and study it carefully.
      Since there are no practical exceptions to the dogma EENS for me in 2017 the ecclesiology of the Church before and after VC 2 is the same for me.Mission is based on the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church. All non Catholics are oriented to the fires of Hell unless they enter the Catholic Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, Vatican Council II)

      You will certainly learn a lot about baptism and mixed marriages. God bless
      Lionel: When you affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church then it is clear that the Protestant is outside the Church and is on the way to Hell.(Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441, extra ecclesiam nulla salus).
      So how can a Protestant or a Muslim marry a Catholic? How can the marriage be a Sacrament ? They would be living in adultery.
      The Protestant or Muslim must first convert into the Catholic Church and then the marriage can be a Sacrament.L.A
