Friday, February 29, 2008

Sung Masses

The Oxford Gregorian Chant Schola has recently sung at a Mass in Dorchester-on-Thames; next Friday (7th March) they will be singing in SS Gregory and Augustine, at 6pm, for the regular First Friday Mass. Don't miss them!

Here are some highlights from the Dorchester Mass; see here for more.

Communion: Beata viscera

Monday, February 25, 2008

SS Gregory & Augustine study evening

On Tuesday 4th March, at 7.30 p.m. in church, there will be a study evening on the Traditional Latin Mass.

Fr John Saward will be explaining the structure of this older form of Holy Mass, the importance of liturgical Latin, the meaning of the ceremonies, the way in which we ‘actively participate’ in the action of the liturgy, the conventions concerning standing, kneeling etc., and the manner of receiving Holy Communion.

Southwell Books is bringing a bookstall to this event.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sung Easter Triduum services in Reading

These will take place in St William of York, Upper Redlands Road, in Reading.

There are no Triduum Services in Oxford; Mass on Easter Sunday in the Oxford Oratory will as usual be Low, at 8am.

Maundy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper, at 7.30pm

Good Friday Liturgy at 3.00pm;

with Stations of the Cross at 1.00pm

Easter Saturday: Easter Vigil at 8.00pm

(please note that there will also be
Mass on Easter Sunday at 12noon

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sung Mass at Dorchester

The Oxford Gregorian Chant Society sang; there are several videos of the singing on the Schola's site, here.