The theme of the conferences will be 'Eternal Truths'.
Don't get left out! Discounts available if the headline price is a problem.
Everyone is welcome; we call it a 'family retreat' because we make special provision for families, but no one is excluded! More details; online Retreat booking form; online Chant Course booking form.
A past Family Retreat in the Oratory School |
Alongside it is the Gregorian Chant Network's annual Weekend Chant Course - a chance for something more than a day-long training session, with a bit of theory with the practice, and plenty of opportunity to sing 'for real', in the liturgy. Led by Colin Mawby and Dr Christopher Hodkinson.
All levels of experience, men and women, everyone is welcome! There are special discounts for groups coming from the same schola. All the details are here.
Bring your choir! Get up to speed together, and you'll be able to put it into practice right away when you get home. And it will be very cheap per head.
Support the work of the LMS by becoming an 'Anniversary Supporter'.
Having been to the family retreat since our eldest (9) was only 3 months old, we can thoroughly recommend them: those of every age will receive blessings of many kinds.