St Mary Moorfields was packed to the doors last evening for Bishop Schneider's Mass. There was hardly room to stand at the back and the coridoor leading to the church from the street was occupied as well.

The sanctuary was also full to capacity. The Assistant Priest was the LMS' National Chaplain, Mgr Gordon Read, assisted by Fr Mark Elliot-Smith as Deacon, Fr David Evans as Subdeacon, and Canon Vianney Poucin de Wouilt ICKSP as Clerical MC.

Beautiful music by a number of English Catholic composers - Taverner, Tallis, and others - was sung by Cantus Magnus, directed by Matthew Schellhorn.

Bishop Schneider preached about the coming of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost at Mass, and after Mass gave a talk about the Church Militant, and the idea of Christians as soldiers of Christ. The basement of the church, where the talk took place, was similarly packed to the doors, and beyond.

Mass was offered for the Irish Referendum.

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I was there. It was the most beautiful Holy Mass and a wonderful homily. The following talk in the meeting room - Church Militant: the forgotten truth - was very powerful indeed. Bishop Schneider didn’t beat around the bush in calling out where the enemies of the Church lie to conspire against us, both those in the world at large, and those who have infiltrated the uppermost levels of the hierarchy.