Monday, April 11, 2011

Family Retreat and Chant Course

2006 04 01_9110
The St Catherine's Trust Family Retreat and the Gregorian Chant Network Weekend Chant Course, which run in parallel, took place last weekend; both are sponsored by the Latin Mass Society. It was a tremendous weekend, with nearly 150 participants of all ages. The Retreat was led by the LMS Chaplain Fr Andrew Southwell, and the Chant course by the well-known composer Colin Mawby.
2011 04 09_8877
One of the features of the Retreat is a procession through the grounds of our venue, the Oratory School, from the large modern chapel to the smaller old chapel. The latter was completely packed, with people standing at the back.
2011 04 09_8883

The weather was glorious, and it was as always a very uplifting event, something quite unique in the calendar of traditional Catholic events.

2011 04 08_8926
Fr Southwell blessing banners for the procession made by the children on the Retreat. Making these banners was one of the activities the younger children did with the volunteer staff, enabling their parents to attend Fr Southwell's spiritual conferences.

Family Retreat
Here is one activity for children taking place (photo by Mat Doyle: see his set here). The older children had talks from three different speakers, including one about the English martyrs from me.

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Blessing of the people with holy water at the end of Compline.

2011 04 09_8894
Bookstall on Saturday afternoon provided by St Philip's Books of Oxford.

2006 04 02_8969
Colin Mawby. For more on the Chant course see the Gregorian Chant Network blog.

2011 04 09_8902
Some of the younger retreatants.

For the full set of photos, see here.

1 comment:

  1. pm

    It was a truly lovely weekend, really sunny! 8-)
    The middle "younger retreatant" is lmschairman's little girl, as is this
