Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Midnight Mass in Reading

We had a splendid and very well-attended Solemn Mass in Reading for Midnight Mass. Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP was celebrant, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP deacon and the FSSP Seminarian James Mawdsley subdeacon.
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By coincidence I was given a copy of James Mawdsley's extraordinary book, 'The Heart Must Break', for Christmas. It is about his experiences campaigning for democracy in Burma. It is written from a rather different perspective to that of the seminarian of today - it was published in 2001 and he has naturally moved on - but it is very interesting none the less. How many seminarians have been tortured and kept in solitory confinement under a brutal dictatorship?


  1. Simon Platt9:46 pm

    Interesting and admirable chap, James Mawdlsey.  I was very interested and rather pleased to learn that he is in training with the FSSP.  May God bless him!

  2. Andrew Witcombe-Small10:56 am

    Gosh. I remember when James Mawdsely was in the news on account of his activities in Burma. How extraordinary that he should end up with the FSSP of all people. 

  3. Stellar10:47 am

    I see Father Blake has removed his posting about Rev Mawdsley and his book.
