We had a splendid and very well-attended Solemn Mass in Reading for Midnight Mass. Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP was celebrant, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP deacon and the FSSP Seminarian James Mawdsley subdeacon.

By coincidence I was given a copy of James Mawdsley's extraordinary book, 'The Heart Must Break', for Christmas. It is about his experiences campaigning for democracy in Burma. It is written from a rather different perspective to that of the seminarian of today - it was published in 2001 and he has naturally moved on - but it is very interesting none the less. How many seminarians have been tortured and kept in solitory confinement under a brutal dictatorship?
Interesting and admirable chap, James Mawdlsey. I was very interested and rather pleased to learn that he is in training with the FSSP. May God bless him!
ReplyDeleteGosh. I remember when James Mawdsely was in the news on account of his activities in Burma. How extraordinary that he should end up with the FSSP of all people.
ReplyDeleteI see Father Blake has removed his posting about Rev Mawdsley and his book.