Saturday, February 25, 2012

Training for Chartres

Today I ran out of excuses. So I went for my first serious walk of the season, to get into some sort of shape for the Chartres Pilgrimage.

I walked west down a stretch of our local Roman road, Akeman Street, which runs from St Albans to Cirencester, and stopped by North Leigh Roman Villa. It is a fair distance from a public road, but worth a visit - some very smart mosaics are on display.

I don't use a pedometer but the villa is about 7 mikes from our house. The round trip took me about 5 hours, with breaks. This, of course, is derisory compared to the Chartres pilgrimage, but it's a start. And since I am still able to stand up, it's not a bad start.

Walking in the country is a lovely way to get exercise; the problem is that it is so time consuming! You get to see all sorts of mad things. And I like the idea that I'm getting to know the area I live in.

The LMS is offering sponsored places in the British chapters: the details will be on the website soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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