The Dominicans have a magnificent church in north London, St Dominic's, Haverstock Hill, and thanks to their hospitality the Latin Mass Society held its annual meeting of Local Representatives in a meeting room there. Fr Leon Pereira OP kindly said Mass for us before the meeting began, in the Dominican Rite.
The church is astonishing. As the photos indicate, it is extremely tall; it also has an enormous number of side altars. It has one for each of the fifteen decades of the Rosary, plus a few more: St Joseph, St Thomas Aquinas, and a couple of others. I had never been to this church before, so I was glad to have a reason to visit.

Our meeting was very successful. The Latin Mass Society's Local Representatives are, and always have been, fundamental to the Society's work. They make it possible for the Society to support and organise things all over the country, and thanks to them we have an idea of what is going on at the local level. The successes and frustrations of our Reps are a barometer of the health of the Traditional movement as a whole, and allow us to say exactly how Summorum Pontificum has been implemented. We are very lucky to have a very dedicated team of Reps. Some them have been doing the job for decades, but the group is constantly refreshed by new recruits. This year we have appointed new Reps in Plymouth, Lancaster, Clifton, and Portsmouth dioceses (some dioceses have more than one). All, of course, are unpaid volunteers, though they can claim back expenses such as postage costs. We are currently looking for Reps / Assistant Reps for Cardiff, Southwark North, Cornwall, Warwickshire, and the city of Birmingham. Anyone willing to accept such a role should contact the office.

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