Thursday, January 30, 2014

LMS One-Day Conference is back! 24th May 2014

2010 08 12_7401
Bishop Schneider giving an unforgettable after-dinner speech at the LMS Priest Training
Conference at Downside, 2010: his last visit

In 2012 we held a one-day conference in the Regent Hall, the Salvation Army hall in Oxford Street in London. It was a huge success, and I promised to do more, but not every year: to keep the standard of speakers high, we decided to do them on alternate years. So this is the 2014 line-up. (More info and booking here.)
The theme is The Traditional Mass and Evangelisation.

Pearce and his recently published
autobiography - we'll have copies
to buy at the conference.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider from Kazakhstan. Bishop Schneider is well known as the author of Dominus Est - It is the Lord! - a defence of the traditional manner of receiving Communion.

Joseph Pearce is the critically acclaimed author of several biographies of Catholic literary figures, including Chesterton, Belloc, Tolkien and Oscar Wilde, as well as Literary Converts - the conversion stories of a string of early 20th century English writers who were received into the Catholic Church.He has recently written his autobiography Race with the Devil - the story of his conversion from a Catholic-hating member of the National Front to a devout Catholic.

Fr Michael Mary is the superior of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Transalpine Redemptorists), based in Golgotha Monastery on the Orkney island of Papa Stronsay. A completely Traditional Order, their canonical status was regularised after having reconciled with the Holy See following Summorum Pontificum, having previously worked for many years with the SSPX.

Christopher Hodkinson is the director of the Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, one of the leading influences in the revival of Gregorian Chant in England in recent years.

Professor Thomas Pink lectures at King's College, London, and is known for his work on the fraught topic of religious liberty. 

Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
Fr Michael Mary F.SS.R, photograph by the Benedictine Oblate

All of them are excellent speakers and I am delighted that they all agreed to come.

Tickets are £20. Book here.

Add £5 for lunch, deduct £5 if you are an LMS member!


  1. I booked my place yesterday, and I'm so looking forward to it! The last one was wonderful.

  2. The only official biography of J.R.R Tolkien was written by the late Humphrey Carpenter, who was an Anglican.

  3. For those of us wishing to attend from north of the border are you able to indicate an end of conference time to assist in travel logistics?
