Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fr Matthew Goddard

On Sunday the newly ordained Fr Matthew Goddard FSSP celebrated Solemn Mass in Reading. Fr Goddard taught in the St Catherine's Trust Summer School in 2006; his father, a convert Anglican clergyman, is the priest custodian of the Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation of West Grinstead (Sussex), which the Summer School visited that year.

The Mass in Reading, followed by the faithful receiving the blessing of the newly ordained priest, was a joyful occasion. Fr Goddard is one of a steady stream of British seminarians who are being ordained in the traditional orders. In a few weeks William Barker will be ordained in in the Fraternity seminary at Wigratzbad; I will be there to see it! (Fr Goddard was at the Fraternity seminary in the USA.)

All British seminarians at the traditional orders are entitled to modest yearly subsidies from the Latin Mass Society, so we don't forget about them, even while they are studying abroad.

I'd like to thank Christopher Bobabilla for lending me his camera for these photographs. See more of them here.


  1. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Ahem; all English Seminarians! Remember, the LMS doesn't cover Scotland. ;-)

  2. Well, yes, but we do cover Wales!

  3. Anonymous9:39 pm

    oh, well; true! See you soon!
