This growth of the number of associations is one indication of the growth of interest in interest in the usus antiquior around the world, especially since the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. It is also an indication of the work which needs to be done in relation to the Traditional Mass: organising the laity, helping the clergy, and overcoming every kind of obstacle.
The Latin Mass Society is the oldest, largest and best-funded member of the international federation, and our workload is increasing by leaps and bounds. Lay groups have always assisted the Church in liturgical matters, from fund raising for bees wax carried out by medieval sodalities to associations promoting sacred music in the 1950s. FIUV's member associations carry out a vast range of these traditioinal functions in the context of the Traditional Mass, very often in a situation where no other lay (or indeed clerical) groups are willing toget involved.
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