In Honor of St. Benedict
June 30th -July 11th (11 nights)
New Beginnings and False Starts: Catholics, Change, Tradition, and Custom
Monumental changes obvious in every sphere of contemporary life are making of our age perhaps the most dramatic era in history. However
disconcerting this may be, change in the natural order can never be surprising to the Catholic Church. She recognizes the reality of individual human freedom and the new situations that its proper and improper use must continually create. She has been warning for centuries of the deadly change threatening modern civilization due to
the problems of the parochial, hubristic naturalist ideologies that have served as its dogmatic foundation. She does not fear change as
such since her solid rooting in supernatural and rational truth give her the means to judge whether and how to accept, guide, or fight tenaciously against it.
Fallible Catholics, however, are not themselves the Catholic Church. They have been tempted either enthusiastically to accept fraudulent and
manipulative changes as unquestionable goods or to deny the reality of the twists and turns of history, confuse the Tradition with merely familiar custom, and thereby hinder the advance of the Faith.
What are the real as opposed to the contrived changes of our age? How are Catholics loyal to Tradition to respond to them? What are the
merely customary, conservative chains hindering proper response to the strange new world around us? These are the themes to be addressed by
the 2011 Summer Symposium
Faculty, Clergy, Musicians
Dr. Miguel Ayuso-Torres (University of Madrid)
Rev. Mgr. Dr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula (Human Life International)
James Bogle, Esq. (Author, A Heart for Europe)
Dr. Patrick McKinley Brennan (Villanova University)
Dr. Danilo Castellano (University of Udine)
Joshua Copeland (Chorister)
Rev. Bernard Danber, O.S.A.
Bernard Dumont (editor, Catholica, France)
Christopher A. Ferrara, J.D. (President, ACLA)
David J. Hughes (Musical Director)
Luis Infante (University of Salamanca)
James Kalb, Esq. (Author, The Tyranny of Liberalism)
Michael J. Matt (Editor, The Remnant)
Dr. Brian M. McCall (University of Oklahoma)
Professor John Médaille (University of Dallas)
Rev. Dr. Richard Munkelt (University of Fairfield)
Rev. Gregory Pendergraft, F.S.S.P.
Dr. John C. Rao (St. John’s University)
Hervé Rolland, President of Notre Dame de Chrétienté
Dr. Thomas Stark (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule, Austria)
Rev. Richard Trezza, O.F.M.
Daily Program
Each day involves three lectures (morning and pre-dinner), and Sung Mass in the Extraordinary Rite (Tridentine Mass) at noon. There are no
lectures on Sundays. Musical and theatrical entertainments take place in the garden of the Angeli and in the Piazza dei Caduti in the
evenings after dinner.
The full cost of the Gardone program in a double occupancy room is 2,000 Euros. Nevertheless, anyone who genuinely cannot afford the full
tuition and believes himself to be a worthy candidate for assistance may apply.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Lake Gsrdone Confrrence 2011
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