Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trip to Lanherne

Mass on Sunday: the Sisters are behind the grill and net curtain on the left.

I take a brief break from my ongoing series of posts to put some photos of my recent (and first ever) trip to Lanherne Convent: that is, the former Carmel now occupied by a community of the Contemplative branch of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.

Venerating a relic (the cranium) of St Cuthbert Mayne, a local saint.
I arrived late for the regular Sunday morning Mass, and was able to go to a early morning weekday Mass on the Monday morning. These were both Low and were said by the chaplain, Fr George Roth FFI.

Mass on Monday: the Sisters are now directly facing the Altar, and the laity looking side-on.

The convent is rather large, but not easy to see from outside. And, obviously, I couldn't go inside. I did speak to the Superior in the 'Speaker Room', with the double grill.

The convent glimpsed from the back.
It was very edifying. Lanherne Convent is in the village of St Mawgan, near the north coast of Cornwall. It is very remote, but today oddly well connected by air, being close to Newquay International Airport.


 More photos.

Donate to the Friends of Lanherne here.

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