From an email.
The speakers include Fr Thomas Crean OP, Prof Tom Pink, and Dr Alan Fimister. Full details here.
Quarr Abbey
-20th September 2015
Philosophy Seminar
In 1914, Jacques Maritain (1882-1973) was the first guest welcomed in their
new guest house by the community of Solesmes exiled at Quarr Abbey, Isle
of Wight. One century on, the seminar will reflect on the links between
Jacques Maritain and England, and endeavour to investigate some aspects of
the life and thought of Jacques and Raïssa Maritain which may prove of
special relevance to contemporary English culture.
This seminar is organised by the Benedictine Community of Quarr Abbey,
under the patronage of Mgr Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth,
and with the support of Mr John Hewitt.
Support the work of the LMS by becoming an 'Anniversary Supporter'.
This should provide a good counterpoint to the attack on Maritain made by Prof de Mattei in his recent lecture.