Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A curious attack on the 'four Cardinals'

IMG_0590A certain Stephen Walford has written two blog posts at Vatican Insider criticising the stance of the four Cardinals who have asked Pope Francis for a clarification of the teaching of Amoris laetitia.

It is difficult to criticise a request for clarification: as Cardinal Pell put it, How can you disagree with a question? The opposition, some of it quite embittered, to the Cardinals' request reminds me of the advice given to Sir Gawain by his mother in his quest for the Holy Grail. 'Don't ask questions', she said: but it was only by the asking of a question, the seeking of the meaning of the strange vision he witnessed in the Grail castle, that the curse could be lifted. Have we come so far, as a Church, that questions are forbidden? Are we, the children of the Church, to be reduced to silence? Did Vatican II usher in an era of - what was that phrase? - dumb spectators? Does the old clericalist motto of 'pay, pray, and obey' now apply not just to the laity but to the most senior clergy in the Church?

The first of Walford pieces is about how we should accept the teaching of Amoris laetitia on the basis of the teaching of previous popes on the subject of Papal authority. He correctly points out that the Ordinary Magisterium can be infallible - infallible teaching is not limited to 'extraordinary' pronouncements such as the anathema of General Councils and solemn ex cathedra statements by Popes. He also, correctly, notes that not everything Popes say counts as Magisterial at all, let alone infallible: indeed they can teach error (he mentions Pope John XXII's sermons against the Particular Judgement). When this happens we say, obviously, that what they taught was not the teaching of the Church, but the Pope's 'private' views.

These observations, however, do not get us very far in assessing the alleged teaching of Amoris laetitia since pointing out that papal pronouncemnents can fit in anywhere on a spectrum between obligatory to believe and obligatory not to believe does not, on its own, tell us where on the spectrum these particular pronouncments sit. Walford gives his readers absolutely no assistance in working this out. It is obvious, however, that where we cannot use the form of teaching to help us determine whether it is magisterial or not (i.e., it is not expressed as the anathema of a General Council or a solemn ex cathedra decree), then we have to look at the content.

Thus, when Pope St John Paul II taught in Evangelium vitae that abortion is intrinsically evil (it can never rightly be done: no motive or circumstance can justify it), he prefaced it in a special, solemn way, but more importantly he connected it with the sources of the content of the Faith. (Section 57.)

Therefore, by the authority which Christ conferred upon Peter and his Successors, and in communion with the Bishops of the Catholic Church, I confirm that the direct and voluntary killing of an innocent human being is always gravely immoral. This doctrine, based upon that unwritten law which man, in the light of reason, finds in his own heart (cf. Rom 2:14-15), is reaffirmed by Sacred Scripture, transmitted by the Tradition of the Church and taught by the ordinary and universal Magisterium.

This teaching of Pope St John Paul is infallible by the Ordinary Magisterium, because it comes out of the Ordinary Magisterium. It the Pope's special charism to interpret this teaching authoritatively, but not to change it. It was entrusted to the Church by Christ. The idea that the Ordinary Magisterium is in the business of undertaking doctrinal 'backflips' (in another phrase of Cardinal Pell) is simply incoherent. If we see in the history of the Church uncertainty and disagreement on some point, that is an indication that the Ordinary Magisterium has not determined the issue. As with the Immaculate Conception, the most the Ordinary Magisterium was able to say was that the doctrine was favoured. It took an act of the Extraordinary Magisterium to make its acceptance by all Catholics obligatory, because when Catholics looked to the Ordinary Magisterium, over the centuries, they did not see a clear teaching.

In this way, Walford's impassioned references to teachings about the authority of the Pope and the Ordinary Magisterium miss the point. With the controversial things allegedly deriving from Amoris we don't get as far as being able to say that it is part of the Ordinary Magisterium or in any way part of the Papal Magisterium in the strict sense, becuase it is not clear what the teaching is, and on the kind of understanding of it Walford proposes, it is far from clear that it is consistent with the Ordinary Magisterium. You can't appeal to the authority of the Ordinary Magisterium to destroy the authority of the Ordinary Magisterium. At this point Walford appears to have disappeared into a theological house of mirrors, where the teaching of the Popes on the authority of the Ordinary Magisterium makes the actual Ordinary Magisterium on the subject of adultery disappear.

The second of Walford's pieces takes the form of an appeal to the Four Cardinals to 'reconsider'. He asserts that in various ways Pope Francis has already answered the questions they asked. The first of the dubia, which asked if those living in illicit unions as if married can be absolved and given communion, can be dismissed:

It seems that in relation to the first dubia, you have trouble accepting the two authentic interventions of Pope Francis in which he has already affirmed that in certain cases, sacramental discipline has been changed: firstly, in answer to Francis Rocca’s question on the flight from Lesvos to Rome on April 16, 2016, and secondly, on September 5, 2016, when he praised the Argentine Bishops’ draft guidelines stating there is: “no other interpretation” of Amoris Laetitia Ch. 8.

This is really glorious. The first 'authentic intervention' was an off-the-cuff answer to a journalist on an aeroplane; the second 'authentic intervention' was a private letter which was leaked to the press. Neither of them, obviously, will find its way into the Acta Apostolicis Sedis, the official record of Papal acts. Is this some kind of joke? Is this how Walford thinks that matters of fundamental importance are decided? He's pulling our legs here, surely?

But suppose for a mad moment that in Walford-land the Pope reserves his most solemn pronouncements for journalists in informal question-and-answer sessions, and letters which are not actually promulgated to the Faithful: why is the Holy Father reluctant to put this same answer into a letter to the Four Cardinals? Why is he so reluctant to answer this question to their faces that he has taken to cancelling his meetings with the College of Cardinals? Why not slip it into some official document? Indeed, why not make Amoris clear in the first place? Walford must realise that there is an answer to this question too.

What of the other dubia? On these Walford takes the opposite strategy. Instead of saying that the Pope in hints and winks has made it perfectly clear that a momentous change has taken place, he proposes that various bits of boiler-plate phrasing in Amoris itself is suffient to show that no change has taken place at all.

Here Walford seems to have missed the point of all the controvery since the document came out, and indeed of the meaning of the term ambiguity. The confusion has arisen from the fact that while some phrases in the document appear to reiterate the traditional position, other phrases seem to indicate something quite different. Being able to quote the former is absolutely pointless if you don't have a convincing explanation of the latter. Walford appears to recognise that he is unequal to the challenge, so he does not even attempt to explain them.

The passages which cause difficulty are helpfully listed by the 'Appeal to the Cardinals' of the '45 academics' (of whom I was one): see it here, thanks to 1Peter5. The claim of the Appeal was not that these passages cannot be read in a way compatible with the teaching of the Church, but that people were not always reading them in that way and that these other readings were leading them astray. In this situation what we need is an authoritative clarification. The Four Cardinals are asking for the same thing for the same reason. If the boiler-plate passages had been enough to stop these bad readings, then they would have done so; since they have not, more is needed.

This seems a simple enough line of argument, but Walford appears to inhabit an parallel universe in which the only problems being caused by Amoris are being caused by theological conservatives. If only the Cardinals, and their supporters, would pipe down, everything would be fine. It really wouldn't take much searching to find Catholics using Amoris to contradict those things which Walford claims Amoris preserves, which he lists as follows:

1) The teachings on the indissolubility of marriage remains
2) Each person must strive to follow the moral teachings of the Church
3) Divorce is an evil, and adultery is always evil—even if guilt can be reduced or erased altogether
4) Consciences must be formed. Nowhere does the text allow anyone to come to the conclusion they can do as they please
5) In no way does Pope Francis suggest that irregular unions are a “good” alternative option to the original marriage. However, it cannot be denied that grace is at work in some of these unions 

We don't need to start citing Fr James Martin SJ and Mgr Basil Loftus, however. For the fundamental problem with Walford's position is that the one issue he does think Amoris changes itself contradicts these claims.

As already noted, in his view the Pope's answer to the first dubium is in the affirmative: Can those living in illicit unions as if married can be absolved and given communion? Yes. But, Walford claims, while this is a change, it is only a change to discipline, not doctrine. (One wonders, then, why in his first article he needed to emphasise so much Pope Francis' authority over dogma, if dogma hasn't changed at all.)

Here Walford is sadly mistaken. It is impossible for a priest to give absolution and Holy Communion to a person who is publicly living an adulterous life and - we should add - is not in some psychlogical state which undermines his moral agency or makes him unable to comprehend the moral law. If marriage is indissoluble (Walford's first point of unchanged doctrine), and if we are obliged to keep the moral law (a truism, but Walford's second point), and if adultery is always an evil (Walford's number three), then it follows that a penitent who knows he is committing adultery and fails to repent of it, cannot be absolved. Furthermore, if by public civil marriage his situation is well known to priest and people, the priest cannot give him Holy Communion.

The second point is a matter of the discipline of Canon Law, Walford may say: but as a matter of fact the Canon Law has not been changed, so if Walford thinks that there is no possible confusion here, he needs to explain why the Pope is asking priests to break Canon Law when he could change it. It may be that the Pope hesistates simply to abolish the relevant Canons because as many have pointed out these Canons simply reiterate Divine Law, and for all his plenitude of power the Pope can't change that.

This should be even clearer on the first point, the case of Confession. Walford talks about a change to the 'marriage discipline', but his claim about what Amoris means carries over, by his admission, to the conditions under which a priest may give sacramental absolution. Can the Pope change these conditions? In certain ways: he can 'reserve' certain sins so they can only be absolved by the bishop or by the Holy See, for example. But can he make it possible for a priest validly to absolve a penitant of a mortal sin which the penitent does not repent? 

This suggestion is so insane that I do not believe that Walford can have this in mind. But the only alternative appears to be to say that by some secret decree Pope Francis has brought it about that adultery is not an 'evil' after all: instead of re-writing the conditions for a valid absolution, we would then be in the business of re-writing the Ten Commandments. And that is insane as well.

This, Mr Walford, is why the Four Cardinals are pressing the Holy Father for an answer. The common interpretations of Amoris, including those which appear to have Pope Francis' favour, lead to theological impossibilities. To refuse their right to ask this question is to condemn each and every Catholic to padded cell.

Related: my discussion of the letter to Bishops of Buenos Aires.

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  1. "It is impossible for a priest to give absolution and Holy Communion to a person who is publicly living an adulterous life and - we should add - is not in some psychlogical state which undermines his moral agency or makes him unable to comprehend the moral law."

    As we are supposed to have attained the capacity for reason before we receive Holy Communion, should a person whose moral agency is so compromised or who is unable to comprehend the moral law receive Holy Communion anyway?

    The comment about the padded cell would be funnier were the subject matter not so serious, but it is very pertinent to the current state of things in the Church. Walford goes to great lengths to protect a man from scrutiny who exhibits, through his ravings, severely impaired capacity to reason. If he were not the Pope, he would have been universally dismissed as a loon the minute he could teach "All the time we are not praying to Christ we are praying to the devil" and "Good atheists can go to heaven too" within the span of a few days. I would suggest that the "hermeneutic of the padded cell" is the only key which can make sense of his thought and all Walford achieves is to show that he suffers from a similar psychosis.

  2. Surely the priest would be going against the vows they made at ordination if they offered absolution to such sinners even though the Pope proclaims that they are not in a state of mortal sin. I recall a number of years ago being refused absolution because I could not PROMISE not to commit those sins again. I was prepared to promise to TRY not to commit them again but without receiving absolution. The cohabiters are obviously not prepared to remove an occasion of sin.

  3. Anonymous2:57 pm

    How can you disagree with a question?

    Pretty easily when the question is a leading question. Teenagers understand this all too well, as did the Pharisees in the Gospels.

    Go through the Gospels. The times the Pharisees were most angry with Jesus was the time he asked questions they full well knew the answers to and resented the answers even if those answers were never made explicit.

    1. The weren't disagreeing with the question. They just didn't want to give an answer.

    2. "Leading" or not, the questions are legitimate, and not unreasonable to expect answers to them. Unless your papalotry has reached the point where any query at all is deemed to be disloyal.

    3. Anonymous5:04 pm

      You misunderstand. Please reread my comment. Were not Jesus' questions also legitimate?

      I am simply pointing out that questions can be threatening and one can disagree with questions because they are threatening. It's a common legitimate technique in apologetics to simply keep your mouth shut and ask questions. As with Jesus' parables, to someone who seeks truth, the questions lead them to Catholicism. To someone who hates Catholicism those questions will be seen as "a threat", "a distraction", and "a trick".

      The 4 visible cardinals (and many others who are holding their heads down but cheering them on in private) are 100% correct in raising the questions and expecting answers. Pope Francis operates in shade and to expose light on his plans through questions is an attack on his plans.

      IMO, if he eventually does answer, his answers will force the nature of the infallibility of the Pope into questions which I feel is a good thing. The papal infallibility is real, but is constrained by the papal infallibility and infallibility of the magesterium of all previous ages. Truth today is truth yesterday or it is not truth, it's just fashion. This in turn will help correct the excesses of Vatican II since there would be constraints on how far (among other things) the liturgy could be reformed.

    4. "Truth today is truth yesterday or it is not truth, it's just fashion."

      You are of course correct, but people like Kasper and Bergoglio do not believe this. According to Kasper, God does not stand over, above and outside of history, but He is found within it and subject to it. Consequently as God develops and changes so does truth develop and change. St Pius X had very good reason to label modernism as the synthesis of all hereies.

  4. Walford is a hyper-papalist as is shown by his book, "Heralds of the Second Coming". Bad things happen when people go after "strange gods".

  5. "and - we should add - is not in some psychlogical state which undermines his moral agency or makes him unable to comprehend the moral law"

    But that's the crux of it. The rest of his argument is pointless, because AL's conclusions here are exactly about a (broad) interpretation of what subjective factors in conscience might reduce or eliminate culpability.

  6. Another Response: https://dsdoconnor.com/stephen-walfords-heretical-fallacious-and-oblivious-attack-on-jpii-the-four-cardinals-and-the-polish-canadian-and-african-bishops/

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Immaculate Conception - the only conclusion one can draw from Angel Gabriel's, 'Hail, Full of Grace' [Lk 1:28 (RSVCE) - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+1%3A28&version=RSVCE], is that she was always full of grace unlike, say, St. John who was sanctified whilst in this mother's womb.

  9. In the Gospels Jesus is many times asked questions, but hardly ever answers directly - three times out of 200+ I once read. It is usually because the questioners do not really want to know the answer, they want to be told how wonderful they are and how correct in getting everything right and knowing it all already. Our Lord will not play that game. I am glad hat Pope Francis will not either.

    1. Mark 4:34 'And without parable he did not speak unto them; but apart, he explained all things to his disciples.'

      You walked right into that one, Savoranola! Pope Francis won't see his own cardinals in private.

  10. Oh very clever, Dr. Shaw, but sadly not quite clever enough. Your quote is hardly a close parallel. The disciples were at least willing to learn (discipulus - one who learns), so Our Lord responded to their desire. The four cardinals are much more like the knowall interrogators who only want to catch him out and condemn himself out of his own mouth. They can only be ignored. You walked right into that one.

    1. 'Jesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve; and one of you is a devil.' John 6:70. Sorry, Savoranola, good will is not the issue. Have another go.
