Saturday, January 01, 2011

Three Anglican Bishops being received into the Catholic Church TODAY!

The Te Deum (Solemn Tone, with some faux-bourdon), h-t Gloria TV

This is not exactly a surprise, but the news appears to have come out only over the last few hours, and even so unofficially. According to a number of bloggers, who seem to be pretty sure of themselves, the three (corrected) bishops who recently announced their intention to be reconciled with the Catholic Church (or 'defect to Rome', as the quaint Anglican phrase has it), will be received at the 12.30 Mass in Westminster Cathedral this very day, 1st January.

They are Andrew Burnham (Ebbsfleet), Keith Newton (Richborough), and John Broadhurst (Fulham).

Sources here and here.

Some sources say in addition that the three Anglican nuns recently tossed out of their community in Walsingham for saying they wanted to join the Ordinariate, will also be reconciled to the Church.

This is wonderful news. Clearly the Anglican Ordinariate is going to make a flying start - much more so than most people imagined when it was first announced.

Please say a prayer for this initiative of the Holy Father.

Te Deum Laudamus!

Here's Andrew Burnham at the launch of his book 'Heaven and Earth in Little Space' at Pusey House in Oxford not long ago; he's talking to Fr Aidan Nichols OP, who contributed a forword to the book.

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