This Mass did not disapoint. The ceremonies were performed with great precision and harmony, and it was truly wonderful. There were a great many differences between the Dominican and Roman Rites in Solemn Mass, which are fascinating; many of the Dominican usages reflect practices which were common also to Gallican and Sarum Rites, and would have been familiar in Medieval England.
The Rite has a special beauty of its own. I particularly like the way the acolytes interact with the Sacred Ministers, as above and elsewhere.

During the Epistle, the celebrant and deacon are given a piece of fabric to rest their hands on. I have only seen this before at a Pontifical Mass.

Preparing for the Gospel.

The Gospel

The Kiss of Peace, using a silver Pax.

Ecce Agnus Dei, with a houseling cloth.

When the celebrant turns to address the congregation, as above, the deacon lifts the bottom of his chasuble.

At the end of Mass the celebrant blessed a processional statue of Our Lady of Walsingham, which we used in the procession.

More photos here
The Pilgrimage was wonderful, and I will write more soon. In the meantime, have a look at the Reluctant Sinner, and the Clever Boy, who were there; so, in fact, were Juventutem London and Juventutem Oxford!
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