Thursday, November 27, 2014

Position Papers: 2nd Edition published of hard-copy book

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.Over the last three years, the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce, the world-wide federation of Una Voce groups, has been publishing executive summaries on specific aspects of the Traditional Mass: why we don’t have Altar Girls, why we don’t give Communion from the Chalice, why we worship towards the East, why we have a season of preparation for Lent, what happened to Holy Week in the 1950s, and many, many more: 23 short articles, with lots of references to recent official documents, and the latest scholarship.

They have been published individually online, but here is you chance to buy the book, with all 23 little papers. The perfect gift for your pastor, the perfect briefing for those who don’t have time to read a long tome but want a carefully researched answer to the questions people ask about the Vetus Ordo.

The series is on-going; look out for the next papers which will be published first on Rorate Caeli blog.

'let me say simply that reading and ruminating over the FIUV Papers on the Liturgy could serve as a marvellous primer for how to address what often ends up being controversial in a very different and respectful manner.' Archbishop Thomas Gullickson, Papal Nuncio to the Ukraine.
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
Available to buy from with 15% discount! Only £6.50
1: The Service of the Altar by Men and Boys                        p11
2: Liturgical Piety and Participation                                       p17
3: The Manner of Receiving Holy Communion                      p23
4: Liturgical Orientation                                                         p31
5: The Use of the Vulgate and the Ancient Latin Psalters     p39
6: Liturgical Pluralism and the Extraordinary Form               p51
7: Latin as a Liturgical Language                                           p59
8: The Prefaces of the 1962 Missal                                         p67
9: Silence and Inaudibility in the Extraordinary Form           p75
10: The Eucharistic Fast                                                          p83
11: Evangelisation and Western Culture                                p95
12: The Teaching of Latin in Seminaries                                p107
13: Holy Days of Obligation                                                  p119
14a: The Holy Week Reform of 1955,
Part 1: General Comments                                          p133
14b: The Holy Week Reform of 1955,
Part 2: The Liturgies                                                   p143
15: The Lectionary of the Extraordinary Form                       p153
16: The Proclamation of Lections in Latin                             p163
17: The Reception of Holy Communion
Under the Species of Bread Alone                             p171
18: The Missa Lecta                                                                p187
19: The Kiss of Peace                                                             p203
20: Septuagesima, and Vigils and Octaves                             p213
21: The Extraordinary Form and the Eastern Churches         p225
22: Headcoverings in Church in the Extraordinary Form       p233

23: The Extraordinary Form and China                                  p245

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