Friday, May 13, 2011

Instruction - good news! (2nd attempt)

Apologies to my readers - Blogger is driving me nuts today.

You can read the Instruction here.

I am very pleased. Here are some pointers:

-'Stable groups' asking for the Traditional Mass need not predate the Motu Proprio; they need not come from the same parish, or even diocese; they may be 'small'.

-The authority of the PCED against restrictions places on the TLM by bishops is affirmed.

-The freedom of the pre-conciliar rites of religious orders is affirmed.

-Altar girls, EMHCs and the like are ruled out.

This is a heavy blow for the opponents of the Traditional Mass.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Update: here's an interesting point from the New Liturgical Movement:

UPDATE: Our own Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P. notes that the Latin text is more clear.

34 – Sodalibus Ordinum Religiosorum licet uti propriis libris liturgicis anno 1962 vigentibus.

Father Augustine provides us with his own, more literal translation:
Members of religious orders may use their own liturgical books as in force in 1962.

As Father Augustine highlights, it is the word "sodalibus" which is lacking in the English translation which causes the seeming ambiguity, but which is important, for by that word, reference is made not simply to the religious orders as entities, but rather and specifically to the members of the religious orders. The implication, therefore, is that the use of those liturgical books is determined by the individual members of the Order.


  1. Jack B.7:49 pm

    <span>It seems a major problem to me that those men who have received minor orders are no longer considered clerics.  This would seem to have major implications for the Ecclesia Dei institutes who have up until now treated and addressed ("Abbe") the men who received minor orders as clerics.
    Of course, it is clear from the document that minor orders can be conferred, but one does not become a cleric by having them conferred.</span>

  2. Jeff B.10:30 pm

    A major problem? I wouldn't have said so. The fact that a sub-deacon cannot be called a cleric hardly holds back the progress of the usus antiquior!

  3. Jack B.11:29 pm

    But a man who yesterday thought he was a cleric finds today that he is not.

    This isn't a problem at all for the advancement of the usus antiquior; most people aren't aware of minor orders. But I bet that there is some major disappointment and confusion in the Ecclesia Dei institutes today concerning this point.

  4. Jeff B.9:00 am

    Given that those ordained into minor orders will soon be ordained into the major orders, I really can't see it as a major problem. It is certainly annoying, but a major problem? Please specify the major implications for the Ecclesia Dei institutes that you talk about. What are they?
