Bishop Bruskewitz presides at Terce before Mass. This room, here set up as a chapel, was in fact the Seminary chapel until the new chapel was completed.

Bishop Bruskewitz processes in through a guard of honour provided by Knights of Columbus.

Bishop Bruskewitz at the throne; Matthew McCarthy, the English ordinand, can be seen in front with a candle.

The laying on of hands: Bishop Bruskewitz lays on his hands on the two ordinands; all the other priests present do the same.

Fr Armand de Malleray lays his hands on Matthew McCarthy; in front can be seen Fr Matthew Goddard FSSP, another English priest, lining up to do the same.

The new priests are clothed with a folded chasuble.

Having had their hands annointed, the new priests' hands are bound together.

Following the ceremony of the ordination, Mass resumes with the Gospel.

The new priests, kneeling at special prie dieus, and each with a missal and an assistant, follow the canon of the Mass, which the celebrant (uniquely) reads out loud.

Fr Matthew McCarthy gives the kiss of peace to Fr Armand de Malleray.

The superb liturgical schola singing the Communion antiphon.

Bishop Bruskewitz gives the final blessing.

Procession out.

Bishop Bruskewitz, Fr McCarthy and his family.

Bishop Bruskewitz speaks at the lunch following the ordinations.

The Seminary's cloister, where three newly ordained priests were giving first blessing: not only the two ordained that day, but Fr Damon Sypher FSSP, who ordained earlier in the month in Sydney by Cardinal Pell.

The British contingent at Denton. Top row, left to right: Leo Darroch, President of the Una Voce Federation, Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP, Fr Matthew McCarthy FSSP, and Ian Verrier, an English seminarian; bottom left and middle two first year seminarians (still in lay clothes); bottom right, me. All FSSP seminarians from England and Wales are sponsored by the Latin Mass Society.
There are lots more photos: slideshow, set.
Next I'll post about Fr McCarthy's first Mass, which took place on Sunday.