Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fr Z, Fr Tim, John Hunwicke at the LMS Conference

On the afternoon of the conference we had (by coincidence) our three clerical speakers.

Fr John Zhulsdorf, the well-known blogger, spoke first, and you can download his talk, 'Save the Liturgy, Save the World', here (MP3). He spoke with great humour and acuity on the transformative potential of the liturgy.

DSCN5907Fr Timothy Finigan's talk, 'Traditional Liturgy in the Modern Parish', is also available for download. He explained how he came came to start saying the Traditional Mass, how a band of extremists in his parish attempted to make trouble for him, but how this problem passed off and the traditional liturgy has proved a great enrichment for his parish. This extends to the way he himself says the New Mass, and attitudes and devotions in the parish as a whole.

DSCN5915The Rev John Hunwicke, who has just been ordained deacon, and is shortly to be ordained priest, for the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, spoke about Nathaniel Woodard, the founder of the school where he used to teach, Lancing, and one of his proteges who became a Catholic, and a priest, George Bampfield, and their attitude to the liturgy and eduction. By a quirk of providence I failed to capture his talk on my recorder; I think it may have run out of battery, or perhaps I just pressed the wrong button. So there is something for which you had to be at the conference!

It was a very interesting and highly entertaining talk. I was astonished at the devotion to Confessional by the Rev Woodard, the founder not only of Lancing but of a whole group of schools, for which he suffered much persecution, and which was a founding principle of his schools. Fr Bampfield himself founded schools, which unfortunately didn't survive long, but the description of his boys dressed up as Papal Zouaves and marching through the local town was, well, a striking one!


  1. Dr Shaw: I recorded all the talks on a digital recorder, including Fr Hunwicke's, though since I was sitting in the audience, the recording isn't always as clear as one might like. It's now on my computer, but it's a large file (as MP3 files tend to be!) - about 60 Mb - so emailing might be tricky. I could send you a CD-ROM, though.

  2. That would be very kind! You could send it to me c/o the LMS Office, 11-13 Macklin Street London WC2B 5NH.

  3. Nice work, Mr Chairman!


  4. I'll do that! But it's very boom-y, and could do with some editing by someone more expert in sound engineering than I am.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Excellent talks - but the browser only seems to load 9 minutes worth of them!
