Sunday, February 25, 2018

Rosary on the Coast

Rosary on the Coast
for Faith, Life and Peace in the British Isles

Sunday 29 April 2018 at 3pm

How to get involved


On the website you will find:
*       Letter from the General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales, with the good wishes and prayers of Cardinal Nichols for this act of witness, and stating that Mgr. Armitage and Fr. Harries from the two National Shrines of Our Lady have recommended the project, and that the Bishops Conference of Scotland have given it a strong endorsement.

*       3 min YouTube with message of support from Bishop John Keenan of Paisley, Scotland
*       Interactive map with many locations already registered
*       Form to sign up a new Location, and link to sign up for email updates
*       Rosary on the Coast logo to use on any local event promotional material
*       A schedule of National Preparations from 1st March - Feast of St David, Patron of Wales

The intention is to include all coastal regions and offshore islands. Inland locations are also invited…

    Under the Resources section you will find practical guidelines and spiritual preparations, to be augmented in time.

Context of Prayer for a re flourishing of Faith across the British Isles
An opportunity to pray for a re-flourishing of faith across the British Isles as a means of preparing for a New Spring Time within the Church, so that we Christians of these lands might spread the Gospel in its fullness in a renewed and joyous way. We hope that Rosary on the Coast will bring from heaven the grace of renewed evangelistic outreach and zeal as we further the work of the New Evangelisation.

Context of Prayer for the Sanctity of the Human Person
The Abortion Act came into effect on 27 April 1968. This Act has overseen the killing of nearly nine million unborn children and yet society is in denial. The rosary is a powerful spiritual instrument to bring about a return to belief in God, an end to evil and for a rebuilding of a culture of Life.

Context of Prayer for Peace in our National life and throughout the World
There is a great unease in people’s hearts as helplessly they watch daily the news channels and their incessant litany of bad news and of horrors unthought-of. How are we all to respond with both generosity and compassion? Rosary on the Coast seeks through prayer for peace to awaken HOPE again and plead for PEACE from God throughout the world.

Please do whatever you can to help promote this Rosary prayer campaign as a contribution
to the re-evangelisation of our country. God bless you, and thank you,

Rosary on the Coast Coordinator

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1 comment:

  1. It’s instructive I think to compare Bishop Keenan’s earnest video presentation with Cardinal Nichols’ response. Bp Keenan mentions abortion and “aggressive secularism” directly and links the proposed act of witness to (horror of horrors!) those nasty Poles and their current patriotic and cultural pushback against the secular EU and all its works. Cardinal Nichols has asked his Secretary to tell us that he believes that “faith, life and peace” – the event’s overall mission statement, admittedly - are good things. It’s a shame he couldn’t have been a little more forthcoming as to what ails us as a society, and actually replied for himself. Perhaps like Pope Francis he has lots of letters to read.

    I’ll be there – hopefully Gloucester will come into the mix or I’m looking at a trip to south Wales. I attended the last Rosary Crusade of Reparation (led by Bp Keenan) in London and it was an inspiring occasion. The time for us merely to respond defensively to the latest secular/modernist outrage is, I’m afraid, long past.
