Monday, March 12, 2018

The Traditional Mass returns to Holy Trinity, Hethe

Archbishop Bernard Longley celebrated Pontifical Low Mass in Holy Trinity in January 2017
I am pleased to be able to announce that thanks to the good will and hospitality of the Archdiocese and of the Parish Priest, Canon John Batthula, the Traditional Mass will once again be celebrated on Sundays at Holy Trinity, Hethe.

In the absence of a resident priest, there will be Sung EF Masses at Hethe at 12 noon on the 2nd Sunday of each month and on the last Sunday of each month. The first of these will be Palm Sunday, Sunday 24th March, to be celebrated, with the blessing of palms, by Fr James Mawdsley FSSP.

Holy Trinity Church is outside Bicecester: Hardwick Road, Hethe OX27 8AW. (Map)

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  1. Hooray - kudos to Fr Batthula, and to anyone else who made this happen.

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