Thursday, December 17, 2020

LMS Launches the Iota Unum podcast series

An image from the LMS Bedford Pilgrimage


We have now published three of the series. As well as Podbean they are now available on a few other channels, so you can search for us on your favoured one. It's popped up on the built-in Podcast app of my IPhone for example. Don't forget to rate us!

An interview with the Gregorian Chant specialist Dr Matthew Ward: 'Chant and Prayer'.

Dr John Rao speaks with Dr Shaw on the destruction of New York in Lockdown, on the impact of the recent riots in the USA and Jacobinism and the French Revolution.

Daniel Dolley, who holds a D Phil in Social Anthropology from Oxford University, speaks about the spirituality of the Amazon and the Traditional Latin Mass.

The last in this Advent Season, to be released next Tuesday is Maria Madise on the attack on the family

They can be listened to on our PodBean channel and on various other podcast hosting sites. More podcasts are planned for the New Year.

There are some older recordings on the channel, the talks from a conference the LMS hosted a few years ago.


You can now listen to the first ever LMS Podcast, an interview by me of Matthew Ward, the Director of Music at Mayfield and a leading exponent of Gregorian Chant, on Chant and Prayer.

You can find our podcasts on Podbean here.

There are some older recordings on the channel, the talks from a conference the LMS hosted a few years ago, but the interview with Matthew is the first of a new series. 

These are a continuation of the Iota Unam talks in London by other means - these talks have been impossible since early this year due to the Coronavirus. Queeezing forty people into a church basement to hear a talk and to chat and drink wine is about as far from Covid-safe as it is possible to imagine, so when we will be able to get back to that format I do not know. This is sad as the talks served an important social function for those who attended, quite apart from the content of the talk.

To salvage something from this initiative, including some of the people who had already agreed to give talks, we are doing these podcasts. Our guests are not all household names but we are talking about issues of interest and importance to Traditional Catholics in navigating modern life and the Church, and I hope they reach a large audience.

They will be published on successive Tuesdays in Advent. Coming up are discussions with Maria Madise, John Rao, Daniel Dolley, and Jules Gomez.

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