You can view sample articles here, including an article on the Christus Rex pilgrimage, an Australian walking pilgrimage, by James Bogle, the Chairman's Message, and an introduction to the Sodality of St Augustine, for lapsed Catholics.

Other features include Fr Thomas Crean on worship ad orientem, an interview with Fr Armand de Malleray, a compendium of forthcoming events, and a commentary on the famous painting of St Augustine and St Monica by Ary Scheffer (1845).

Yes, Sister, here we have Masses in any language you care to choose - except of course the one the Church chose to use for upwards of 1800 years.
This is still pretty close to the bone...
Uppsala's a pretty cosmopolitan kind of place. It's nearly three years since I was there last, but I used to go quite often. The priests there offered public Masses in Swedish, English, Spanish, German, I think some other languages I can't remember, but ... that's right: you guessed it. :-(