Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Juventutem Mass for Persecuted Christians 25 Sept with Fr Julian Large and Dr John Newton of ACN


The series of Juventutem Masses, at 7:30pm on the last Friday of each month in St Mary Moorfields continues; these are always sung, usually with chant, and supported by the Latin Mass Society.

Once a quarter the LMS and the FIUV provide special sponsorship to make possible a polyphonic Mass, for the intention of persecuted Christians around the world. The next of these is taking place on Friday 25th September, and will be celebrated by the Provost of the London Oratory, Fr Julian Large.

Afterwards, Dr John Newton of Aid to the Church in Need will give a talk.

Mass will be accompanied by Matthew Schellhorn and his Cantus Magnus group.

The Mass and the talk are open to all; the 'social' afterwards is restricted to the age-group 16-35.


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