This quarter's edition of Mass of Ages is a special one because the same mailing to members carries a copy of the Ordinary Booklet which I have already blogged about here. Non-members can buy a copy for themselves (of course you really ought to JOIN...); they are already appearing in churches where the Traditional Mass is offered.
The magazine itself is a zinger, with contributions from established journalists - Tim Stanley of the Daily Telegraph, Alberto Carosa of Inside the Vatican, and Mary O'Regan of the The Catholic Herald - and a number of prominent Catholics, including Martin Baker, the Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral, Dr John Newton of Aid to the Church in Need, the barister Neil Addison, and Mgr John Armitage, Walsingham's Shrine Custodian.
Here is more information and links to taster articles from the LMS website where you can order copies.
Mass of Ages is the quarterly magazine of the Latin Mass Society. It contains reports on our many activities across the country, national and international news of Traditional Catholic events, feature articles on different aspects of traditional Faith and culture, and opinions and views on developments in the Catholic Church.
In this issue, an interview with Deacon James Mawdsley - imprisoned in Burma for speaking out for human dignity - reveals what drew him to the Traditional Rite and how his time in prison deepened his faith.
Martin Baker, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral, discusses the role of music in the liturgy. He describes how new choral foundations reflect a growing awareness of the importance of music in liturgy and outlines the importance of the Traditional Rite in preserving reverent music.
Broadcaster and journalist Tim Stanley writes on ‘Sanctuary in the age of the Selfie.’ Citing the example of a vicar who took a selfie before commencing with a wedding ceremony, Tim describes how the Old Rite challenges the egotism of the age.
Mgr John Armitage, Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, invites us to 'Come to Our Lady's little house' during the forthcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Dr John Newton addresses the question, 'Did Vatican II change Church teaching on Religious Freedom?'
Fr Christopher Basden, parish priest of St Bede’s, Clapham Park, writes about his 20-year mission to reinstate the Latin Mass.
Also in this issue:
Barrister Neil Addison looks at hor Shrine churches are becoming special churches for the celebration of Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
LMS Treasurer, Paul Waddington introduces the Priory Church of St Mary’s, Warrington.
Journalist Mary O’Regan argues that ‘life has never been worse’ (in a spiritual sense) than for the teenagers of today.
Caroline Shaw helps us reflect on the Immaculate Conception, with the help of the image depicted on the cover of this issue.
All our regular features are there, including comment and opinion pieces, Fr Bede Rowe, the Lone Veiler, your letters, a prize crossword, reports from our network of Diocesan Representatives, full listings of Traditional Masses across England and Wales, and much more besides. You can read a digital version of the magazine here.
With this edition of Mass of Ages we are enclosing, in copies sent to members by post, a free copy of our new Ordinary Prayers booklet. Additional copies of the booklet may be purchased via our website. Please contact the Office to discuss bulk purchase discounts.
As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations, Mass of Ages continues to be distributed free of charge. Thanks to the cooperation of priests in whose parishes the Traditional Mass is celebrated, it is now available from more than eightycathedrals and churches around the country. If you are in the UK and do not live near one of these but would like a copy of the magazine, we would be very happy to send one from the office. However, due to the high cost of postage, we do ask that you cover the cost of postage. Payment can be made by selecting the appropriate option from the PayPal button below (NB your name and address will be sent to us as a result of you completing the payment process).
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