The splendid Fraternity of St Peter Wall Calendar has been advertised on Rorate Caeli here; allow me to draw to readers attention three others.
The Latin Mass Society Wall Calendar.
Unique in having pictures down the left of an A3-format page, and the days in a long vertical list down the right, with plenty of room to write in your appointments. Indispensible in England and Wales, of course, because it includes our local feasts. The photographs are liturgical in focus, of Mass and other devotions. There are multiple photographs on each page, another unique feature.

The Papa Stronsay Wall Calendar
Produced by the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, on the island of Papa Stronsay in the Orkneys (Scotland), and in Christchurch, New Zealand, illustrating both the liturgical and the work lives of these very practical, traditional sons of St Alphonsus, in their beautiful but wild homes at the opposite poles of the world.

Produced by the Benedictines of St Benedict's own birthplace, Norcia (Nursia), led by Prior Cassian Folsom, and featuring the lovely Italian countryside which surrounds them.
The Norcia calendar features both the traditional and the 1970 dates of feasts, which could be a handy feature.
Now dear readers, there is really no need to limit yourselves to just one of these splendid productions. After all, you need them to give away as well as to hang in every room of your homes. So please support these worthy causes, brighten up your kitchens, and deepen your appreciation of the Church's year.
Support the work of the LMS by becoming an 'Anniversary Supporter'.
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