Tuesday, March 06, 2012

LMS Sponsored places to Chartres

I mentioned our sponsored places to Chartres not long ago, and as of today 11 of the 12 for young people (16-35) places have been snapped up. So if you want the last one - saving £100 - you need to move fast: go here.

For those, like me, who've exceeded that age range, and live a basically sedentry life, I recommend a bit of practice. The other day I walked home from Oxford along the Oxford canal: from the old canal basin (now, alas, the Worcester Street car park, but the canal is still there a few yards away), photo (2)
to Shipton on Cherwell, where this Medieval 'preaching cross' is preserved, and then accross country to Woodstock. More photos.
 photo (1)


  1. Joseph Yarbrough9:04 pm

    What is the meaning of a "preaching cross"?

  2. Joseph Shaw10:16 pm

    Before churches were built in country places, the people would gather
    at these crosses where a priest would have a bit of a platform and
    Not just where there wasn't a church, in fact, there was a famous
    preaching cross outside St Paul's in London.
    They also had 'weeping crosses', where people would do some kind of
    penance, I'm not sure how that worked. I've never seen one preserved
    as such, but preaching crosses can be seen in a number of places.
