Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fraternity of St Peter now offering Mass in Chesham Bois

For some time the Fraternity of St Peter, who in England are based in Reading, have had an official 'chaplaincy' in the diocese of Northhampton, given them by Bishop Doyle. They have been saying Mass in Flitwick and, more recently, Luton. They have now moved to look after a well-established group of faithful attached to the Traditional Mass in Chesham Bois, solving the very serious problem which followed the death of the Parish Priest, Fr Davenport, who established the Traditional Mass there and many years ago. Even at the early time of 8am, this Mass draws 70 people.

From the current issue of the FSSP magazine, Dowry.
11 August: last Sunday Mass in Luton. By decision of Bishop Peter Doyle, from Sunday 18 August 2013, the diocesan Gregorian Chaplaincy led by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (i.e. FSSP) relocates from Sacred Heart Church in Luton to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, 30 Amersham Road, Chesham Bois, Bucks HP6 5PE. Mass is offered in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite every Sunday morning at 8.00am. Confessions and refreshments take place every time as usual. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP and Fr Matthew Goddard, FSSP officiated as Deacon and Subdeacon at Fr Davenport’s EF Solemn Requiem Mass last year. They are glad to be able to continue the EF ministry which he had started more than 20 years ago in that parish and they look forward to a happy collaboration with his successor, newly appointed Fr Graham Platt, P.P. whom they thank for his kind welcome. The priests of the FSSP also thank Fr Chris Whitehouse. P.P. and the local parishioners for their friendly support in Luton over the past semester.


  1. Anonymous6:41 pm

    All you can really say to that is 'jolly good'. Good news is pretty thin on the ground of late.

    1. Anonymous8:17 pm

      I really am delighted. Sorry. I've had a beastly week and sunk into despair and all sorts about the Faith I need to repent and repair so this little thing which has no bearing on me at all bucked me up no end.

  2. This is terrific news. I have a sentimental attachment to this church, having been baptised in it in the days before V2, and having met Fr Davenport (who was a saintly old boy). Living as I do further along the railway line, I shall visit more frequently, certainly when finer weather makes the hike through the woods more bearable. It is also noteworthy that EF mass has more recently been said here regularly by priests of the Ordinariate.
