Thursday, May 02, 2013

Pro Ecclesia conference 11th May

This does sound fun, and I'll go if I can.

Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice is organising a conference, and as well as its veteran (and always interesting) President, Daphne McLeod, you'll hear Fr John Hunwicke, Michael Voris, and others. I went to a talk by Michael Voris once before and got into terrible trouble from his fans for criticising it - Voris himself never criticises anything, isn't that right? - but I don't say he's not an interesting person to hear.

You'll need to buy a ticket the old-fashioned way, however - by post.

Fr John Hunwicke at the recent St Catherine's Trust Family Retreat
Name “The Catholic Church; Crisis and Revival.”
Date Saturday 11th May 2013.
Venue The Regent Hall, 275, Oxford Street, London W1C 2DJ

Doors open 9.30,
Talks begin 10.00,
Lunch 12.00 to 1.30. 
Conference ends 4.00

Tickets £10 each, available on the day or from Graham Moorhouse, 118, Shepherd’s Lane, Dartford, London DA1 2NN

graham AT

The programme for the day will include:

Prayers and Devotions led by our Chaplain Father Leaworthy;

10.15 – 11.15 brief talks on

1. How this crisis arose – Daphne McLeod
2. How a victim of Modern Catechetics feels – Paul Smeaton
3. Graham Moorhouse reads two letters -
a) one from a Catholic Diocesan worker;
b) one from a Catholic teacher of R.E. dismissed for teaching the true Faith.
4. Why we Home-school our children – Tom Windsor.

11.15 Father Hunwicke – “The Catholic Faith in A Hostile Culture.”

12.00 The Angelus, then break for Lunch.

1.30 Harriet Murphy B.A. D.Phil. – “Feminist Dissent in the Church”

2..30 Michael Voris – “The Future of the Church in Europe.”
You can visit Michael’s web-site at

4 .00 Final Prayers and Close.


  1. I am pleased that Daphne has chosen to use the word revival in the 'Crisis and Revival' tag. Pro Ecclesia are excellent, but I was beginning to wonder when the gloom mongering was going to stop.

    You don't need to watch Michael Voris to realise that 'positives' are beginning to break out in the Catholic Church in England. If we concentrate on the negatives then many may fail to recognise the 'spring time of the Church' (for want of a better phrase).

    Yes, there is still a big battle, but Pope Benedict said we had to "look at the signs around us" and if we do that then it is easy to see that the doors are beginning to be pushed open (even in my own church which must be just about the most overtly liberal in the country).

  2. I watch Voris’ videos from time to time and I can’t say I have ever felt the need to disagree with him. True, he has a courageous and forthright style, and says what he means. He does not lean over backwards to be conciliatory or PC.

    I wonder was it this which upset you?

  3. Follow the link and you'll find out. I wouldn't describe myself as being 'upset', however.

  4. Anonymous3:02 am

    I was just going over your comments at the commboxes related to Michael voris and i was struck by your statemrnt that " as catholics we need to spend less time " in worldly pursuits.
    I can only speak for myself but the closer i get to 60 the more i want to be about Our Father's work. Two reasons, my becomming a Catholic 18 months ago,and identifying with the Traditional wing of the church .The other is that i am closer to eternity and meeting my Saviour face to face ,than 10 years ago ( yep my protestant heritage comes through the lingo at times)

  5. I took a look at your criticism of Michael Voris and I have to say I agree, particularly regarding his imprecise language and theology. However, when the sources he uses lack precision can you blame him? For example when he stated that the other sacraments exist for the sake of the Eucharist he was relating what he had read in The Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1324, which reads thus: "The Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch." Compare this passage with a parallel explanation from the Catechism of the Council of Trent: "For the Holy Eucharist is truly and necessarily to be called the fountain of all graces, containing, as it does, after an admirable manner, the fountain itself of celestial gifts, Christ our Lord, from whom, as from its source, is derived whatever of goodness and perfection the other Sacraments possess." The latter explanation leaves the reader in no doubt of the relation of the other Sacraments to the Eucharist: the former, on the other hand raises questions and doubts (in my opinion).

  6. I have looked into your previous postings. Voris may not be a theologian but he proclaims orthodox Catholicism in a way that few others are prepared to do, so conditioned have we become by five decades of distorted Catholicism and the dominance of liberal/Neomodernist thinking. We all need to proclaim orthodox Catholicism clearly and loudly, but first we must get the message right, within the Church, before we do so. Much of the debate in these blogs is concerned with that.

    Criticism, and justified complaint for that matter, is essential, against “Catholics”, whatever their paper qualifications, who promote heretical thinking, as happened after VII, when the liturgy was used as their channel of attack. These “theologians” created the present mess, trying in their pride to prove how our Catholic ancestors over the last two millennia had got it so wrong. Modernism flooded into the Church as Crean has said, and is still alive and well, as Nichols (Aidan) has said. The new fabricated, banal, made up liturgy has produced ignorance, heterodoxy, confusion - and an on-going abandonment of the Church by the young.

    That’s enough. This is a comment, not an article. One last point. Is Voris a 21st century Belloc?

  7. Simon - thanks for the references, that's very interesting. It may seem there's only a small difference between saying the Eucharist is the fount of all graces, *because it is Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the fount of all graces*, and saying that the other sacraments exist for the sake of the sacrament of the Eucharist. But the latter just sounds strange, it is over enthusiastic and not thought through.

    1. I quite agree (except that Michael Voris clearly based his statement on the new catechism from whence the ambiguity came). The heart of the matter lies in the imprecision in language that is endemic both in the secular world and the Church (cf. Iota Unum. Par. 73,74. Prof. Romero Amero.). Ann Atkins delivered some very interesting thoughts on the subject of language in Thought for the Day this morning. - It should be available as a podcast on the Radio 4 website if anyone cares to listen to it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I checked your original post and comments on Voris's talk from last year. Where is this "terrible trouble" from critics of which you speak? Aside from my two very harmless comments (which could hardly be counted as any sort of real criticism), I see generally positive reactions to what you wrote, as well as to Voris's presentation. I'm puzzled.
