Friday, October 03, 2014

New EF Sunday Mass: from this Sunday, Hethe

Holy Trinity, Hethe (photo from Wikipedia Commons)
This Sunday will see the first celebratation of a new regular Sunday Mass in the Extraordinary Form, at Holy Trinity, Hethe, which is near Oxford, north of Bicester.

It is an important historic church, and the Mass is the initiative of the new Parish Priest, Fr Paul Lester.

Mass will be at 12 noon; it will be Low, though in the future we hope to have some Sung Masses here.

The address is Hardwick Rd, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX27 8EY

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  1. Sad to see Fr Paul depart from Birmingham but happy to see he has been given such a beautiful church and is starting a Sunday EF Mass. He started the 2nd Wednesday Maryvale Mass which I am glad to say is continuing even though he has left.

  2. This is almost a historic restoration. Fr George Smith had the Old Mass here back in the 1970s; some people were indiscreet and it was episcopally stopped. Later on in the late 1980s Fr John Gibb [who was surely one of the last to be ordained on his patrimony] said the Old Mass at Hethe.
