Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Michael Voris on the Traditional Latin Mass

I'm not an uncritical fan of Michael Voris (that's just me, I'm like that with most people!); this video of his is fun both because it is about the TLM and because the Juventutem London group gets an honourable mention. Voris is right: a high proportion of the places where the Faith is active, growing, and engaged with the issues of the day are places where the Traditional Mass is to be found. A much higher proportion, that is, than in the general Catholic population. If the TLM accounts for only one percent or so of Catholic Masses, it certainly accounts for a lot more than one percent of pro-life activists, chant scholas, vocations to the priesthood, and young families.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:45 pm

    I agree. The only places where Catholic faith is strong and growing is in the TLM (extraordinary form) parishes. Is the true Catholic liturgy, and I hope that soon it will become the norman form of the Holy Mass, as it was over 2000 thousand years. Replacing the Mass with a ecumenic ceremony (the novus ordo mass) was a mistake.
